
Life is a Story

Are you wondering “what’s next for me” in this next chapter of my life? Do you find the same challenges repeating themselves and think “why is this happening to me?”

If so, it’s time to write a new chapter in your life story.

“I have a life story?”

Yes! You have a story that you tell yourself and to others. Your story is how you see yourself in the world. It’s time we take charge of that story. But first, a little background:

Stories have been a powerful force throughout human history.

  • Our brains are hardwired to respond to stories. Studies suggest stories and storytelling activate parts of the brain associated with language, emotion, and social interaction.
  • From a young age, we absorb information and lessons through the stories we hear from parents, families, and our communities. These stories shape our understanding of the world and our place in it.
  • As we experience life, we subconsciously organize events into narratives or how we choose to tell a story. This helps us remember experiences, identify patterns, and make sense of the world around us.
  • The stories we’re exposed to and the ones we tell about ourselves add to our identity. They help us define who we are, what we value, and how we fit into the world.

Our stories significantly influence our sense of self-worth, belonging, and core beliefs.

“Carrie West made all the difference for me with changing my mindset. I was coming from a pretty stressful situation in my life and was going through a lot of life changes. When I moved I wanted to set myself up for the best possible success going forward. Carrie helped me understand my life from the perspective of a story and see what had led to my thoughts and actions being shaped and why. Once I understood my actions and the stories surrounding them, I was able to put those patterns into context and change the narrative going forward. With Carrie’s help, I have been able to understand and change my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her help!”

—David C., California

You are the author of your life.
Every day you write a new chapter to your story.

Are you ready to change your story and change your life?

That’s where I come in…

As a Life Story Coach, I take you through a proven process of knowing the story you’re living today:

  • Changing your story is important to your happiness. Some of us live with a false idea of who we truly are and what we deserve.
  • We repeat the stories that we got from our family and never reach for the life we want for ourselves. We can change that.
  • If you have a dream that’s calling you, one that you’ve known but never pursued for any reason, we can get to the core and find out how to find your purpose and make your dream a reality.

Why My Approach Works

With decades of experience working with stories, I support you as you go on a journey of discovery. With my support, you will:

  • Uncover key themes of your story
  • Look at your characters and the role they play
  • Find the plots you are repeating and bring a new plot to play
  • Understand your challenges from a new perspective and use them to empower you

Together we create a safe environment where change is within your reach.

“I’ve never met anyone that can connect with people like Carrie. She is a treasure.”

—Jim R., CEO, Housing Group, Pittsburg PA

It is time to take charge of your narrative

You can book a free 15-minute call to meet me and talk about what you need.


If you are ready to have a fun and easy time enhancing your life, we can jump in and start rewriting your story. The call is fee based for one hour and done over Zoom. You’ll be asked for payment when you schedule the call. I’m excited see your life expand and change in any way you like!

“Carrie has a special gift for identifying and understanding the origins of our personal stories. Her rich insights show us how we can rewrite these stories to move from living life driven by pain or fear, to experiencing a joy and freedom that we may have never imagined possible. She beautifully illuminates paths that one can explore leading to release from the grip of past experiences. The results are extraordinary!”

—Nancy M., Santa Barbara, CA

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